Nature = Everyone
Nature = Everywhere
This site will…
Teach you to discover the everyday magic of nature right where you live.
Inspire you to create natural spaces and even art inspired by nature.
Help you to learn about nature and why it is necessary to care for and protect it.
Empower you to advocate for nature itself, for equal access to nature, climate justice and equity.
Be a reference for finding local natural places and events.
Learn ways to discover the everyday magic of nature around you…no matter where you live. Finding enjoyment in the simple moments of nature, no matter how brief, can bring a smile and change a mood. Observing the behavior of squirrels or appreciating the white whisps of the dandelion along the sidewalk are ways to discover the magic of nature around you.
When we live or visit places without easy access to nature, we can create it! Whether it’s through art or bringing in natural items into your environment, you can learn ways to enjoy nature no matter where you are.
Learning more about nature brings you closer to nature and understanding your connection to and responsibility for nature. Feeling connected to something larger than yourself can change you and can help you feel more grounded. Check out these resources and learning activities!
Once you have discovered the magic of nature, you will feel inspired to protect it! Whether it’s in your local area or on a larger, global scale, use this information to take action and be empowered!
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